Morning in Banff National Park, August 2018

Member-only story

Choosing How to Live in 2019



The idea of a fresh start is so alluring. The chance to take things from the top and shed the weight of our transgressions, bad habits, and unhealthy ways of being.

Of course, we know that each new day presents this opportunity but there’s something about turning the page to a new calendar year — even when many of us no longer use paper calendars — that suggests we can truly wipe the slate clean and begin again with new resolve.

My approach to New Year’s resolutions is to be deliberate about what I will commit to in the coming year, and what I will say no to. Not so much habits or goals, but rather choosing what I will give my attention to. This year in particular I feel called to this conscious act of choosing more than ever, across the many facets of my life.

The parenting book I’m reading, proposes reflection on the life that I want to create for my family.

My favorite fitness instructor has urged me to pick a focus for the year.

In church, I’ve been asked to explore how I will express my faith in response to Luke’s story of The Visitation.

A podcast I’ve been listening to looks at how our society’s sense of disconnection has set off an epidemic of substance abuse, suicide and depression, and asks if this is how we want to live.



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